- Family Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Women's Health
- Men's Health
- Minor Procedures
- Geriatric Medicine
- Uninsured Service Charges
The core of family medicine is preventative health.
At the Waterdown Family Medical Clinic, we will be there for you when you are ill, but we also want to empower you to make healthy life choices along the way.
We offer periodic health assessments tailored to fit your life stage and situation.
We offer newborn medical care so that you are supported from the start.
We will follow growth and development throughout childhood and development to ensure your child has the best chance at success.
Knowledgeable in assessment and management of all common childhood conditions.
We assess all ages and conditions related to Women's health.
Dr. Elizabeth Liao provides obstetrical care at Joseph Brant Hospital and Brampton Civic Hospital.
All of our physicians provide prenatal care.
If you have any questions at all, please contact us.
Able to assess and manage all men's health conditions and ensure preventive health screening is up to date.
Many procedures offered in office and still expanding!
Skin lesion biopsies
Skin cancer removals
Cyst incision and drainage and removal
Joint injections
Helping you live the highest quality of life possible.
Maintaining independence, strength and cognitive abilities through up to date medical care.
Dear Patients,
Uninsured services include items such as missed appointments, completing commercial driver physical exams, certain forms, writing sick notes, printing and sending medical records, as well as massage therapy, orthotics, or certain prescription renewals (if appointment has been requested by physician and not booked by patient).
The cost of these services is significant in both resources and time for the physicians and the clinic as a whole. We have kept the service fee either in line or lower than what is recommended by the Ontario Medical Association.
We appreciate your understanding and will certainly work with you in circumstances where there are financial concerns. Please speak with your physician further if this is the case.
Invoices are sent via Quickbooks. Payment for uninsured services can be made through credit, debit, cash, cheque, or e-transfer to [email protected].
Please see attached the fees for the 2025 calendar year.
Please note we are no longer offering block fees.
Most Common Uninsured Services
Missed Appointment: $50
Missed Periodic Health Exam, counselling or procedure (30 min): $70
Prescription Renewal (if appointment request ignored, at MD discretion): $10
Massage/Orthotics Prescription (if not associated with appointment): $10
Doctor’s Note: $20
Driver’s Physical Exam: $125
Liquid Nitrogen (OHIP covers feet and genital treatment): $25-75
Removal of benign skin lesions (moles/cysts/skin tags): $50-200
Functional Abilities Form: $40
Attending Physician’s Statement: up to $100
Disability Tax Credit Application (federal): $50-100
TB Test 1-step with form completion (for employment or volunteer): $40
TB Test 2-step with form completion (for employment or volunteer): $70
Travel Cancellation Letter: $30
Respite/Long-Term Care Form: $50
Sickness/Disability/Maternity EI Certificate: $35
Copy/Transfer of Medical Records (first 20 pages): $30
Copy/Transfer of Medical Records (per page, after first 20): $0.25
Review of Medical Records: $40 per 15 min
Forms NOT charged for
Application for Accessible Parking Permit
Transit Forms for Disabled
Permanent Resident Card Form
Children’s Aid Society Request
Audiology ADP Coverage
Canadian Passport Application
MOHLTC Forms (limited use, assistive devices etc)
Request for Birth Certificate Form